CMTBC CKT – Sample Questions

CMTBC CKT Sample Questions

Note:  This CMTBC Clinical Knowledge and Theory (CKT) sample exam contains 20 questions.  Our complete CMTBC CKT practice exams contain 200 questions each. Good luck!

1. Rhythmic alternating contact on the tissue using the ulnar border of your hand constitutes the performance of which of the following tapotement techniques?


What is the common manifestation of the injury of the inferior part of the brachial plexus (Klumpke's palsy)?


Full and normal range of motion requires appropriate functioning of All tissues. In Active ROM (AROM) what must happen to the fascia in assessing proper function?

4. If the patient has poor sensation or lacks muscle coordination, there is a tendency towards poor balance and a broad base. This abnormal gait is called:

5. If you compress the origin and the insertion of a muscle with your hands, and then slowly squeeze the two ends of the muscle together and hold until the muscle relaxes, you are performing which technique?


To bring the coracoacromial ligament closer to the surface, what action will roll the humeral head anteriorly, pressing the ligament forward?


Of the following physiological effects of direct pressure friction, which is reflexive?


Your client's symptoms include indigestion, gas, and heartburn.  What can you do to help reduce discomfort and relieve pain during treatment?


Which of the following is a signal that a person is having trouble breathing?


Your client complains about numbness located around the inferior attachment of the deltoid muscle. Which nerve lesion does this best describe?

11. Which orthopedic test is performed when your client places his legs in a figure four position, and then slowly lowering his flexed knee towards the table?


Which test is used to evaluate a client's strength of their muscles and tendons?

13. Which of the following muscles is the client stretching when he applies passive forced dorsiflexion to his foot while his knee is flexed?


What mode of transmission is represented by the entry of pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins through the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract?


Which of the following is an extrinsic disorder that can cause frozen shoulder?


Which somatic motor pathway is caring nerve impulses directly from primary motor cortex to the spinal cord?


Active trigger points in this muscle decrease maximum chest expansion and causes the patient to feel a shortness of breath:


With your client prone and the arm at a 90 degree angle hanging off the side of the table, how do you find the muscle belly of the middle fibers of the trapezius?


What is used by the therapist during treatments and by the client after treatment as self-care?


An RMT is performing joint end-feel assessment on a client's knee. Which of the following is the correct description of a hard end-feel?