Sample Case #3
Patient : 35-year-old female, 166 cm (5'5"), 58 kg (128 lbs), BMI: 21.1
Presentation : The patient presents with recurrent episodes of rapid breathing, accompanied by lightheadedness, chest tightness, and tingling sensations in her hands and feet. These symptoms have been occurring more frequently over the past few months, often triggered by stress or crowded environments. The patient is concerned that these episodes may indicate a serious underlying health issue and is seeking natural ways to manage her symptoms and improve her overall well-being.
Medical History : Diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder at age 28, managed with occasional use of anti-anxiety medications. No surgeries or hospitalizations. No history of asthma or other respiratory conditions.
Psychosocial : Works as an office manager for a busy law firm, often under significant stress. Married with one child. Enjoys spending time with family but finds it challenging to balance work and home life. Describes herself as a perfectionist, often feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities.
Health Habits : Diet: Breakfast: Smoothie with spinach, banana, and almond milk. Lunch: Salad with grilled chicken and avocado. Dinner: Salmon with quinoa and steamed vegetables. Snacks on nuts and fruit throughout the day.
Alcohol: Occasionally drinks a glass of wine in the evening.
Tobacco: Non-smoker.
Exercise: Practices yoga twice a week and takes a brisk walk during lunch breaks.
Supplements : Takes a daily multivitamin and magnesium supplement, as recommended by a previous healthcare provider.
Medication : Occasionally takes lorazepam (0.5 mg) during periods of intense anxiety.
Allergies : No known drug allergies.
Family History : Father: Hypertension, controlled with medication. Mother: Anxiety and panic disorder. Grandmother: Died at age 75 from a stroke.
Vital Signs : T: 36.6°C (97.9°F), BP: 125/80 mmHg, PR: 78 bpm, RR: 16 bpm
Physical Exam : General appearance: Appears anxious but cooperative. Respiratory: Breath sounds clear, no wheezing or crackles noted. Cardiovascular: Regular heart rate and rhythm, no murmurs. Neurological: No focal deficits, but patient reports mild paresthesia in the extremities during hyperventilation episodes.
Preliminary Lab Results : Complete Blood Count (CBC): Within normal limits. Electrolytes: Sodium: 140 mEq/L, Potassium: 4.0 mEq/L, Calcium: 9.0 mg/dL.
Arterial Blood Gas (ABG): pH 7.47 [7.35-7.45], PaCO2: 33 mmHg [35-45 mmHg], PaO2: 98 mmHg [80-100 mmHg], HCO3: 24 mEq/L [22-26 mEq/L].
Diagnostic Imaging : No imaging performed at this stage, as the patient is under initial evaluation for her symptoms.
Considering the patient’s anxiety disorder, what therapeutic strategy should the ND prioritize to prevent hyperventilation episodes?